Saturday, July 7, 2007

#19 Web 2.0 Tools

I searched through a few of the Web 2.0 winners - even though this is only a shortlist it seemed to be endless.

* I found Lulu to be a very interesting site. Lulu gives you the power to publish and sell books for free.
Lulu prints and ships each book as it's bought. You retain all rights to your work. You decide on design and layout. You set the price and creator revenue. Lulu lets you sell your work through Amazon and other book stores.What a great site for people to get their unpublished work out there at no expense.

* Another site I found of interest is the portable digital hard drive Omnidrive which is an online storage and file sharing application that can be accessed from any web connected device, allowing you to easily store, access and stream your files. Omnidrive is a folder of all your files that remain on the web, which means you can access them from anywhere. This is good when working in different sites but if you have a slow connection or the Internet goes down then this is not so useful.

* And for the mummy in all of us I found the site minti very useful. Their mission is to create the world's largest parent to parent advice-opedia.

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